Do You Know How a Man Decides a Woman Is Girlfriend or Wife Material?

@natik /
@natik /

1. Merely ask yourself if you lot'd want that girl back-to-back with you lot to fight off sharks.

"Trust, love, resourcefulness, kindness…I did mention dear, didn't I?

Wife material is easy to recognize; just enquire yourself if you'd want that daughter back-to-back with you to fight off sharks.

And she loves you lot, non what you look like, not what you lot exercise, not who you know…you. Who you are…"


2. A woman who genuinely likes me.

"Someone who genuinely likes me instead of some checklist of qualities that I managed to get a laissez passer on."


3. A woman I can argue with, without it turning into a fight.

"I want someone that I can argue with (and who will argue with me), without it turning into a fight. Someone that can call me on my BS when information technology matters, who isn't going to flip out if I telephone call her on hers. I'd much rather exist with someone who will challenge me and make me rethink things than someone who is trying too hard to exist nice and sugariness all the fourth dimension. (Then again, I may just have a matter for hot-tempered girls.)"


4. She loves what she does, she cares about herself as much every bit she cares virtually me, and she smiles a lot.

"She loves what she does, she cares about herself as much as she cares nearly me, and she smiles a lot :) Bonus: she likes the same music as me."


5. A woman who shares my values.

"Values. You accept to have values that have some intersection.

Looks, health, wealth, all changes, but of those values seem to remain the most over a longer period of fourth dimension.

So, the hottest woman in the world, but hates to learn and read? Cheerio. An attractive, flush person, but tramples on others' dignity? Bye."


six. A adult female who can be my best friend.

"A best friend.

If nosotros can express joy our assess off together nearly something empty-headed, share the glory of a big indulgent meal, autumn asleep watching/reading something stupid together, get trapped in a shitty situation and laugh at information technology because it'due south a shared gamble…

That's my girl."


7. A genuinely kindhearted woman.

"I had a huge checklist earlier I met my wife.

In that location was only a unmarried thing on that listing I would never overlook.

A genuinely kindhearted person."


8. A woman who makes good decisions and is honest.

"Saving for a ring for my current GF.

Hither's what I await for across the obvious chemistry:

Does she make good decisions? Could I trust her choices if I were somehow incapacitated?

Is she honest? For me, it's not plenty to just not lie and not break the police force. Does she honor the spirit of things even if the letter of the law would permit her boosted advantage?

Practise we have mutual values? This goes dorsum to how we will address all those inevitable conflicts that no one sees coming.

How does she argue/fight? When she is hurt, does she look to hurt back? Does she pin to cutting arguments tangential to the disagreement because the power of the hit is likely to end the convo her way? Does she label/proper noun-call? Are onetime, settled, unrelated slights brought back up in contempo disagreements?

How crazy is her family? If they are a office of her life, they will be a office of our life."


9. A woman who can admit she's wrong.

"Cocky-awareness. If you're wrong, acknowledge information technology and apologize. I ever push myself to practise the same.

Likewise, sexual connection."


ten. A woman who doesn't take things then seriously.

"Outside of the obvious stuff regarding general compatibility and mutual attraction, the biggest matter that set my married woman autonomously from every other girl I dated was just our ability to non take things so seriously.

I don't hateful not taking our relationship seriously. Of course, we're committed to each other and our relationship; however we really don't become overly serious about our day-to-day interactions.

We're best friends, almost earlier we're each other's And so. We tin sit in the same room for hours doing completely dissimilar things and be at complete peace. We can make plans, break plans, have discussions about our relationship, and just almost everything else without getting worked up.

This was nearly of import for me—find someone who yous tin can savour and work through things with you while keeping a level head.

At present of grade nosotros argue, but when we do we accomplish a indicate where we realize this is totally unproductive, and agree to talk nearly it tomorrow.

Find someone who cares well-nigh you and is able to assertively arroyo an issue without being melodramatic. Information technology'll salvage yous a world of frustration and let the love grow strong."


11. No psychos. No cheaters. No picky eaters.

"No psychos. No cheaters. No picky eaters.

Surprisingly difficult to discover one who meets all iii categories who isn't already taken."


12. A adult female who genuinely loves me for who I am.

"She genuinely loves me for who I am. Similar seriously, everything else is a Fucking-A bonus for what I care. This might include: intelligence, beauty, extroverted personality, honesty, charisma, amuse, humor, AND zero tolerance for bullshit among other things that can brand me fall in dear with that person every 24-hour interval and brand ME a amend human being for her and for others. Reason is, nobody is perfect. So if that woman notwithstanding loves me with all my imperfections you bet your donkey I'd practise the same for her."


13. A woman who values my opinions.

"I married quite recently, only what I plant is that what I was looking for and what I concluded up wanting were two dissimilar things. For instance, I pictured a woman who smiled, was overly polite like me and in full general just wanted to brand people happy.

All the same, my married woman isn't quite similar that. The depth of her love for others and how much good there is in her, is nonetheless staggering to me. But she'southward also not a doormat similar me, or this woman I imagined. Rather than finding what I was looking for, I found what I needed.

I found a woman who made me realize that my opinions matter, too. And that I should take myself seriously. Finish being a chump.

She is brutally honest, simply there'southward always a loving undertone. There'southward no malice. She's only stating what she feels, answering the question or pointing out bug—ever with the focus of 'this is our predicament, how do we solve it?'…

What made me want to ally her wasn't that she met all my requirements. It was rather that she threw them abroad and gave me what I actually needed instead.

And I cherish her. She is the most astonishing adult female I've met. And it's across bliss that I get to tell her I honey her every twenty-four hour period."


xiv. A woman who makes me express mirth.

"Does she brand me express joy?

This to me was the #1 reason I knew I'd met my match. No thing how shitty my day is, she volition exercise something to brand me laugh.

All of the other stuff can go away. Bodies lose their compactness. Hobbies fade. Things you lot both enjoy now might exist ho-hum later. But do yous know what doesn't? Laughing at stupid fucking bullshit together.

Find someone yous tin laugh with."


fifteen. A woman I can trust absolutely and completely.

"Trust. The number-i thing without a doubt. I had lots of great relationships where I loved my partner securely, just I always knew in the back of my mind, there was something to dubiety. Something intangible that I simply knew they weren't the one because I didn't trust them absolutely and completely. It took me over xl years earlier I found the woman who earned that absolute trust. Heed to your gut, not your center or head. Hearts lie all the time. Heads lie, too. Your gut always knows. If in that location's an uneasy feeling in your gut, if you're afraid to lay your jail cell phone down or leave your computer open, or talk to onetime friends…she'south non the one."


xvi. A adult female who is understanding, clean, sober, smart, and kind.

"• She is understanding rather than reacting based off emotions.

• She is clean and tidy. If she likes to proceed her place clean, that's a big plus.

• She doesn't binge-drink or do whatever difficult drugs. Any kind of addiction is basically a deal breaker for me.

• Intelligence. Not just being smart, but having interest in learning.

• A kind heart. If she is kind to animals, gets forth with children, and feels sympathy for the less fortunate, I like that a lot.

• Doesn't crave the attention of other men. Posting provocative pictures only for attention is a red flag for me. If information technology's for modeling or something reasonable, and then it's fine by me if it'due south classy.

• Has a career or career path. It's non and then much almost money every bit information technology is beingness responsible and ambitious."


17. A woman without a history of cheating.

"Someone without a history of cheating. If they've washed it before, especially more than once, they'll do it again. Information technology might be tomorrow, or x years from now. It will happen."


eighteen. A woman who is patient and low-drama.

"This will differ for every person. I think at the stop of the day anybody wants to be with someone that makes you experience loved. I had a long human relationship before my fiancée that really showed me what I was looking for in a married woman. I started to brand a list, merely I realized I could keep going on for a while, I gauge that's a good indicator.

If you're curious here'south how far I got before realizing I needed to simply stop and be thankful:

-Patient and low-drama/stress
-Contained (had her own life, friends, career goals)
-Never took me for granted
-Cared about others over themselves
-Was someone who I could be completely honest and vulnerable with virtually any topic
-Had like views on money and spending as me
-Had like goals for family and children
-Was supportive in a loving way
-Took intendance of herself physically for both health and dazzler."


19. A woman of graphic symbol and principle.

"It wasn't and so much what I was looking for as what I lucked into finding. Before I met my fiancée, my 'checklist' was a agglomeration of superficial garbage. Interests, concrete attributes and chemical science are allnice and can be important, but the real wife cloth stuff is in her grapheme. My fiancée is the strongest, about resilient, and principled person that I know. She is stubborn as shit and she never gives upward. She is fiercely loyal. THESE are the things that matter. Do her values friction match yours? Can you run into her equally a person you can rely on in time of crisis? Because they are coming, I assure yous. Will she fight for you relationship if things get heated and you both want to scream at each other? Cause that'south coming, too.

The thing that got me on one knee, though, was the fact that I realized that she wasn't looking for a human being to possess, or train into some idea of a person that she had earlier, or show off to her friends or family. She was looking for a partner and an equal. She knew me, within and out. And somehow she didn't run screaming.

Fuck, I beloved that adult female."


twenty. A woman who is honest and respectful.

"Honesty and respect. I can look by a lot of things, but I can't abide liars or people who are disrespectful of others. The latter extends to bigotry, manners, elitism, and disrespect to people'south privacy."


21. A adult female who genuinely wants to be with me for me.

"A woman who GENUINELY wants to be with you for you and not someone who is with you because you are the but thing she could get at the moment or something. It's difficult to describe how yous can tell, but when y'all discover a girl like that then you can just tell. It's astonishing to actually exist wanted that much.

A woman who has a not bad relationship with her parents/family. For some reason, I've seen that women who take a bad relationship with her parents always have some problems of her own.

A woman who offers to pay for stuff a bulk of the fourth dimension (dinner, dates, etc.) and buys you random gifts but because she loves you. That's another way to tell she genuinely loves you lot."


22. A woman with loftier cocky-esteem.

"I dated a chip earlier getting married, and I quickly institute the things that are bargain-breakers. So…basically, not these things:

• Always having low self-esteem, looking for constant validation

• Expecting me to leave of my manner to entertain her or recall of things to practise. Rather, expecting me to be her source of amusement

• Being a picky eater

• Having seemingly constant bug with personal relationships

• Caring likewise much about condition/money/presentation. I prefer things to look worn and used and loved rather than new and sparkly. I similar erstwhile and rustic, I like thrift, and I don't like things to change much, except when functionality is increased. I like things that work well and are reliable above all else. I am well-nigh in dear with a woman who spends a lazy summer afternoon sitting on her porch in a sundress, barefoot, reading a book and sipping a drinking glass of iced tea."


23. Someone who is genuinely caring and smart.

"You will never discover the perfect person for yous, but on a not-shallow basis yous should find the following:

• Someone that is caring and not similar the fake kind of caring but someone that is more often than not loving. Also non overbearing.

• Smart, yous will spend a lot of time with this person, that is how monogamy works. Someone making bad decisions that smart people tin can avert or someone that thinks alee is nifty. Common sense is pretty damn important. Too you take to talk to this person every day a lot of times and having someone that is just good looking who all you think well-nigh is boning might exist great overall but if you are anything like me y'all were shallow and thought with your dick and dated someone who sucked to talk to.

• Good at planning and gets stuff washed. Having someone throw you a great surprise altogether party with all of your friends and even takes into consideration inviting your blood brother (with whom you lot have a strained relationship) is awesome. My GF made me cry because I felt so loved.

• Knows when to give you lot your space. Having a trivial infinite and time to breathe is fucking important."


24. A woman who is intelligent, experienced, and has common sense.

"My requirements were someone who was intelligent, non necessarily book smart, simply rather someone who has experienced the real globe. Someone who had common sense. She had to be independent but yet want attention from me. She had to accept care of herself, every bit in care for her health and not alive like a slob. She had to be financially smart and non encumbered by unreasonable debt. I had to be physically attracted to her, and her to me. She needed to desire a family environment and create a dwelling house with me. Above all she had to accept me for who I was and who I am, she had to dear me through thick and thin and stand by me in times of demand. Luckily I found this person and the past 7 years accept been the greatest of my life."


25. A woman who can acknowledge her mistakes.

"Self-awareness. People make mistakes. It'southward unavoidable. The power to recognize those mistakes is of import to me. Fifty-fifty when the problem is someone else's fault, she needs to be able to take responsibility for her function in the problem or her role in fixing the problem."


26. A woman I tin argue with and non worry that the relationship will suffer.

"Someone who yous can argue with and not worry that the relationship is suffering. Me and fiancée accept been together for 6 years with no major arguments or problems, I'm convinced its because we have picayune arguments every day rather than ignoring or putting up with a problem then exploding when we cant have information technology anymore. People who don't know us well remember we are in a bad relationship or hate each other when in reality nosotros but tell each other like it is. :)"


27. A adult female who has her shit together.

"Have your shit together. I married my wife because we get forth real well and she has a college degree and a decent job. Neither of the states has any debt. Nosotros aren't rich, but money isn't an consequence for either of united states of america. This really helps us avoid a lot of the stress and financial strains that many other couples take."

—bryan_sensei Thought Catalog Logo Mark


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