What Chapter Do I Read Anonomous Noise

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Why make Nino go through all those thoughtful revelations (that she sang then focused on Momo that she didn't think about what she would practice when she did have him, and that the one who helped her sing all along was Yuzu) and and so make her cease upwardly with Momo and not Yuzu? It passed me the message that, despite me thinking Nino had changed, she went right back to the selfish girl I'd seen from the beginning of the story. I've never seen I don't empathise what the writer wanted to show with this story.
Why make Nino go through all those thoughtful revelations (that she sang and then focused on Momo that she didn't call up almost what she would practise when she did accept him, and that the one who helped her sing all along was Yuzu) so make her end up with Momo and non Yuzu? It passed me the bulletin that, despite me thinking Nino had inverse, she went right back to the selfish girl I'd seen from the starting time of the story. I've never seen a protagonist every bit self-centered equally Nino, which angers me a little. Non sure why I was and then surprised past her decision, given that fact. Anyway. Other characters had some kind of development, similar Yuzu himself (that was nicely handled), Kuro (a petty shallow, simply okay - not certain if it's worth commenting about that), Miou and Haruyoshi, and and then on, but not the protagonist herself? In the end, Nino and Momo cling onto the memory from babyhood throughout their entire story arc, without regarding that they might not be the same people they were when they were kids. Disregarding everything they lived in between. Forgive the comparing, merely that's something Ao Haru Ride did well. Futaba and Kou liked each other when they were children and, when they reunite in loftier school, they realize they've changed. Simply, after trying to go back to the mode things were, they learn to beloved the new versions of themselves. I don't experience like that happens in Fukumenkei Noise. Nino and Momo are just together because that was expected.
I'chiliad sorry, just I simply can't sympathize with Momo. I tried. I don't like that character at all. I like a few things about Nino, but nothing well-nigh him. Merely I feel similar things wouldn't get so smoothly between him and Yuzu if Nino had chosen the latter. Momo wouldn't accept been so mature well-nigh the situation similar Yuzu. So, yeah. I am glad Yuzu got to exist happy and conquer the world. I recollect he deserved more, but at the same time Nino didn't deserve him. She and Momo deserve each other, because I don't remember either of them showed much evolution. (They don't have any chemistry!!! They're just so shallow, pitiful).
As much as information technology sounds similar I'm but bitter considering "my ship didn't sail", I recall it'due south more than that. I can live with couples I like not ending upwards together. What I don't similar is poorly-handled plots and characters. If the rest of the story makes up for it, I'm okay with that. This isn't the example.
Forgive the salty bluster. I needed to go this out. ...more than

AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH Can't believe I finally finished reading this!!!!
Overall, this series had its downs, only I would like to focus on the good things this series had beginning. For one, I e'er loved the Rock Horizon arcs they do. In fact, the Rock Horizon fine art/story in this last volume is probably the best one however. You tin can see the attempt and the details Fukuyama-sensei drew and put into this. I'g also happy to have seen everyone developed so much throughout the course of this series (besides
4.five stars!AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH Can't believe I finally finished reading this!!!!
Overall, this serial had its downs, merely I would like to focus on the adept things this serial had first. For one, I always loved the Stone Horizon arcs they do. In fact, the Rock Horizon art/story in this last volume is probably the best one yet. You can see the try and the details Fukuyama-sensei drew and put into this. I'g also happy to have seen everyone developed so much throughout the class of this series (besides Momo who I felt only developed a little but more on that later). I said it during the first volume reviews I did, but I really hoped to meet some character developments into these leads and I am glad I got to see them. One of my mutual issues with mangas as well is how sometimes you tin experience the mangaka trying to elongate the story fifty-fifty though information technology should have been finished a few volumes ago, and while at that place were some bad volumes here, I'one thousand glad she was able to pull through during the last 4 volumes to requite united states of america readers a satisfying decision.
Now time for the bad ones. I mean when I get-go read into this, I had a feeling that Nino and Momo would probably terminate upward together. Nevertheless, I am pretty bummed at it happening. Throughout the story, information technology has always been Yuzu who has been supporting Nino. It has e'er been Yuzu besides Nino. And then Nino yet chooses Momo in the end? I guess ane of my master problems here is that while we do see that Momo has feelings for Nino, information technology was not equally shown every bit much equally how Yuzu really cared and appreciated for Alice.
For me, Yuzu was actually the best character in this serial and seeing him grow was probably my most favorite part here. I guess the second-lead syndrome was potent on this i, huh?
Anyhow, thanks Fukuyama-sensei! And to anyone planning on reading this, this is not a perfect series in any means, only if you lot like angst and rock music, you might similar this one as well.
...more than
Antes de nada: no veΓ‘is el anime. Leed el manga. De verdad, nada que ver.
Este aΓ±o he tenido la suerte de ver y leer obras muy chulas. Pero lo de Fukumenkei Racket es otro nivel.
No me malinterpretΓ©is: no es una obra innovadora ni excepcional. No es excesivamente original, ni tiene una trama compleja; algunos pjs se quedan a medio gas (y eso que no hay tantos
(Voy a aprovechar para hacer una pequeΓ±a reseΓ±a de la obra completa, 18 tomos completitos. La acabΓ© esta maΓ±ana, asΓ que se viene mucho hype.)Antes de nada: no veΓ‘is el anime. Leed el manga. De verdad, nada que ver.
Este aΓ±o he tenido la suerte de ver y leer obras muy chulas. Pero lo de Fukumenkei Noise es otro nivel.
No me malinterpretΓ©is: no es una obra innovadora ni excepcional. No es excesivamente original, ni tiene una trama compleja; algunos pjs se quedan a medio gas (y eso que no hay tantos), y existen ciertas lagunas que, si las piensas, se pueden rellenar... pero se quedan en subtexto, due east incluso me atreverΓa a decir que la autora no las ha tenido en cuenta.
Sin embargo, tengo que decir dos puntos positivos de la obra en un apartado genΓ©rico: el primero su arte (tanto a nivel de dibujo como literario; esos paneles distribuidos en varias pΓ‘ginas para formar un mensaje eran BRUTΓSIMOS. AdemΓ‘s, muchas de sus escenas conseguΓan ponerme el corazΓ³n a 2000; estΓ‘ seΓ±ora tiene united nations manejo de la tensiΓ³n muy notable) y... el segundo la dejo para la zona de spoilers.
Entonces, ¿por quΓ©, hasta la fecha, es mi obra favorita del aΓ±o? Pues bien. Porque es, con diferencia, lo que mΓ‘s me ha llegado al alma en todo el aΓ±o. Y el motivo es esencialmente uno: Yuzuriha Kanade.
Joder, Yuzu, quΓ© pedazo de personaje eres.
A pesar de que la protagonista es Nino, el foco estΓ‘ muy compartido con Yuzu; es mΓ‘s, creo haber notado que, poco a poco, la obra va despegΓ‘ndose de ella para centrarse en mi adorado PestaΓ±as. Su personalidad ya era atrayente desde united nations inicio, pero conforme vamos conociendo su historia y cΓ³mo la ha afrontado, los palos de su vida, su drama bodily... y, sobre todo, cuando vemos su evoluciΓ³n, no podemos mΓ‘s que rendirnos dues Γ©l. Todo esto sin contar con que la autora ha tenido un atino increΓble a la hora de diseΓ±ar el personaje, que es (para mi gusto) carismΓ‘tico, precioso, cuqui y atractivo a partes iguales.
AdemΓ‘s, creo que este amor por Yuzu no es algo mΓo. No en vano el hashtag #TeamYuzu estΓ‘ dondequiera que haya alguien hablando de esta obra.
No es el ΓΊnico personaje notable. Miou, para mΓ, tenΓa un potencial impresionante, y su relaciΓ³n con Nino era digna de leer; la propia Nino me flipaba (tiene una personalidad sΓΊper agradable de leer, fresca, divertida e intensa); y Haruyoshi, que se comΓa las pΓ‘ginas enteras porque es, exactamente, un(¿a?) Queen.
Sin embargo, tengo dos pegas en cuanto a personajes: Momo y Kuro. Que Kuro estΓ© a medio gas, pues bueno... pero ¿Momo? Que united nations personaje del supuesto trΓo principal se quede a medio gas es un punto bastante malo, a mi parecer.
Antes de entrar en spoilers, decir que el tomo ten es la leche. Y ahora dirΓ© por quΓ©.
doy por hecho de que, si sigues aquΓ, es porque 1) has acabado Fukumenkei Noise o ii) te van los spoilers, asΓ que VAMOS A POR ELLO.
Primero, hablarΓ© de mi elevation 3 MOMENTAZOS de la serie. ✨
-El tomo 10, en general, es buenΓsimo. Abarca la pΓ©rdida full de la voz de Yuzu (aunque esta mini trama comienza al concluding del tomo ix), asΓ como la confesiΓ³n a Alice y la primera vez que es capaz de cantar en toda la obra. Like. Por dios, cuΓ‘nta intensidad en solo 7 capΓtulos.
-El momento en el que Nino habla sobre su vΓnculo con Yuzu (cap. 58, creo recordar), considerΓ‘ndolo como algo mΓ‘s poderoso que la amistad, que la familia y que el amor que siente por Momo. Porque (aunque, por la felicidad de Yuzu, deseaba que quedasen juntos) sΓ: hay mΓ‘s vΓnculos importantes ademΓ‘s del amor romΓ‘ntico.
-Relacionado con el punto anterior, el darse cuenta de Alice de que su voz "pertenecΓa" a Yuzu. Y el momento en el que se lo confiesa a Γ©l.
Todo esto, estos tres momentos, vienen a hablar de lo mΓ‘s bonito que hay en la serie: los enlaces que se pueden llegar a crear a travΓ©s de la mΓΊsica. La importancia de ella en la vida de united nations mΓΊsico. La suerte que tuvieron esos dos capullos de Alice y Yuzu de encontrarse en el camino... Ya quisiera yo tener un vΓnculo musical asΓ con alguien, la verdad.
Y, de ahΓ, saco el segundo gran punto bueno de la serie: y es su temΓ‘tica real. A pesar de tratar sobre mΓΊsica y un triΓ‘ngulo amoroso, la propia autora lo dice al comenzar el primer tomo: Fukumenkei Noise es una historia de amor no correspondido.
Junto a Nino, Yuzu es el foco, el punto desde el que pivota toda la trama; como ya dije, pienso que Yuzu tiene incluso mΓ‘s importancia que Nino a lo largo de la trama. Y yo, jamΓ‘s en la vida, he leΓdo una obra en la que se mire desde la perspectiva del protagonista un desamor que "no acaba bien" (por asΓ decirlo). En ese aspecto, para mΓ FukuNoise sΓ que es original y excepcional; yo, al menos, no habΓa leΓdo ninguna historia de desamor tan intensa y dolorosa en 1Βͺ persona. Y esta mangaka lo hace maravillosamente, convirtiendo a un niΓ±o tsundere, inseguro y posesivo en un tipo maduro y elegante, siendo un amigo excepcional en su camino de evoluciΓ³n. He sufrido con Γ©l, rezado con Γ©l, deseado y llorado con Γ©l. Es un personaje verdaderamente mΓ‘gico, y Γ©l casi solito se ha marcado 104 capΓtulos. ΓL CASI SOLITO. 104.
¿ConclusiΓ³n? Yuzu deserved better. Aunque en el epΓlogo parecΓa feliz. De todas maneras, ojalΓ‘ un spin-off del futuro de PestaΓ±as; serΓa la leche.
OjalΓ‘ no pase mucho tiempo antes de encontrar una historia que me llegue tanto al corazΓ³n.
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Yet, it'south very articulate that Yuzu is even more beloved and of import to her than Momo...and bonds of love and amore don't always have to be romantic. So long as they can sing together, they'll be closer to each other than anyone else...and that makes it a happy plenty ending, even if it might still be a fifty
A beautiful terminate to the series. I did still want her to terminate upward with Yuzu...I just felt their connectedness then much more than the one she had with Momo. But, oh well--"Start Male child Wins" over again, I approximate.Withal, it'southward very clear that Yuzu is even more dear and important to her than Momo...and bonds of honey and affection don't always have to be romantic. So long equally they tin can sing together, they'll be closer to each other than anyone else...and that makes it a happy plenty ending, even if information technology might still be a little rough on Yuzu.
While everything wrapped up happily in ways that I was hoping for, I tin't help but feel it was a tad anticlimactic. Afterward all, there was so much angst and build up (especially with the iii main protagonists), merely there wasn't much time spent getting that closure earlier the terminal chapter (which feels l
Ah, a skillful stop to an awesome, addictive serial. All the characters have matured wonderfully and take learned that they tin be together but likewise be independent. Ah, so nice to see that in YA stuff.While everything wrapped up happily in means that I was hoping for, I can't assistance but feel it was a tad anticlimactic. After all, there was then much angst and build up (peculiarly with the 3 chief protagonists), but at that place wasn't much fourth dimension spent getting that closure before the last chapter (which feels similar an incomplete epilogue). For instance, when Nino and Momo finally get their brand-up moment, it went by then quickly and didn't delve into their thoughts as much every bit previous encounters. And so boom! Ii years after everyone'south doing their post-high school stuff but wait! We've got an Inohari meeting! Every bit I said, it'due south all sugariness but the rush left me feeling a bit unsatisfied.
Mostly, I'm unsatisfied that the romance didn't get more attention in the stop since it got soooo much attending throughout the series. I desire to know more most Nino and Momo. Are they more open with their feelings now? Do they comprehend more than now? And I do like that Nino is ready on living on her own first, what kinds of things have they planned for their relationship? I want to know!
I'm hoping somewhere downwardly the line there'll be some nice epilogue chapters, but until then I'm happy with this catastrophe.
I watched the anime series kickoff, then binged all the manga in two days because I simply couldn't become enough!
Discovered the live-activeness film, and oh my! The OST's pretty cool too, and there were some overnice moments that I actually liked, but the ending! Aiyah! To exist fair, information technology came out while the manga series was still ongoing, but the film gave the impression that she chose Yuzu over Momo... and it besides made Momo seem like a butt. Oh well.

So Nino makes her choice and confesses. I honestly didn't intendance who she ended up with since I didn't care how Momo and Yuzu (I recollect the short ones proper name is Yuzu. I became unable to tell them apart subsequently a while, since they look so damn simil
SERIES DONE! I enjoyed it. Not groundbreaking or anything probably won't read once again. But I do plan to watch the anime. I wanna run into how the music is interpreted for the anime. I don't expect it to get the Nana handling. But I kinda wanna hear these damn songs.And so Nino makes her choice and confesses. I honestly didn't intendance who she ended up with since I didn't care how Momo and Yuzu (I remember the short ones name is Yuzu. I became unable to tell them apart later a while, since they look so damn similar. Both take black hair except 1's hair is wavy/curly. One's taller than the other and one wears glasses and the other doesn't.) treat Nino every bit if she is some type of thing to own simply considering of her singing. I hated the I only desire her singing my songs shit they had going on.
I did like the fiddling time skip. It went from Yuzu returning from his travels. Them playing their big show. And so jumps to them being 20/21 and in/starting higher.
...more than
Information technology felt like a well paced ending that had laid everything out for the catastrophe in the last volume and tied up the loose threads in this one.
I really similar how the characters changed and grew over the course of the series, and I feel like their endings were very advisable and plumbing equipment for their personalities and for the way the serial had been going.
Over all the series was very enjoyable and I really liked all the Just finished the final book of this series, and it was a very satisfying ending.
It felt like a well paced catastrophe that had laid everything out for the ending in the last volume and tied upwardly the loose threads in this ane.
I really like how the characters changed and grew over the course of the series, and I experience like their endings were very appropriate and fitting for their personalities and for the way the series had been going.
Over all the series was very enjoyable and I really liked all the characters and the full general plot.
I recollect in a way, when I get the fourth dimension, I practice want to read the whole affair over again, in 1 go so I can actually digest the series, but I don't recall my stance of the series would lessen by doing this.
It is a series I would be probable to recommend to others. ...more than

Every bit this is a Shojo series, the ending wrapped upward predictably but I actually enjoyed watching the characters abound and seeing things play out. Perhaps it' This is the final volume in the Shojo series Anonymous Noise. This is a story about a group of high schoolhouse students who are brought together (and perhaps driven apart) by music, and their big secret that they are really part of a real ring. Their band personas are inspired by Alice in Wonderland which was likewise an extra detail that I actually enjoyed.
As this is a Shojo series, the catastrophe wrapped up predictably but I really enjoyed watching the characters grow and seeing things play out. Perchance it's time to picket the anime now!

*damn, my ship didn't stand a take chances, did it?*
Overall review of the series: Much dramatic moments, since it is a bunch of hormonal teens with plenty of unrequited love and tears and laughs. My transport sank so bad, and I'm not happy with the OTP, and having all the characters in relationships at the end is typical for a romance serial. But I did enjoy the evolution between Nino, Momo, and Yuzu.*damn, my ship didn't stand up a chance, did it?*

They are headed into concert flavor & are ready to rock again. I only wish the couple that I wanted to see get together would have in the terminate. Overall information technology'due south a bully series!
This is the final volume in Anonymous Noise. Yuzu is finally back in Japan and ready to rejoin In No Hurry.They are headed into concert season & are set up to rock once again. I only wish the couple that I wanted to see go together would have in the end. Overall information technology's a corking serial!

Read this series if you love music, stone bands, and relationships.

And then cute i loved it would love to take a playlist. A very skilful ending. An enjoyable read. Recommend this ane.
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